Title VI Teacher Email Phone: 920-833-7380 x227 or text 920-288-2607 What is Title VI? The Seymour Community School District participates in a Native American education program funded by federal Title VI grant monies based on student counts. The program is designed to assist Native American students to meet district and state academic goals. Title VI is administered through an LEA (local education agency). The Seymour Community School District is our LEA. Funding for Title VI comes directly through the Department of Education. Program goals are determined by our Native American Parent Advisory Committee (NAPAC). Our NAPAC meets many times a year on the third Monday of the month, and everyone is welcome to attend. Notices of the meetings will be sent out via phone call, email and notes home with our younger students. For your child to be eligible for Title VI services, please be sure a 506 form is completed and returned to school. This form is used to keep a current count of the Native American students in our district, which is used to apply for our grant every year. If your child is an enrolled member, or has a parent/grandparent who is an enrolled member, they are eligible. You will be notified if your child does not have a 506 form on file. The goals of the Title VI program are as follows: Academic achievement, knowledge of cultural identity and awareness, and Native American language programming. I look forward to meeting you!